Sunstone's PCBExpress® service is the perfect way to save time and money, while still getting what you need. With choices of layers from 1 to 14 and features ranging from simple to complex, PCBExpress is an ideal choice for more complex prototyping.
There are many choices of lead times to insure that you can get boards when you need them up to 3 weeks.
Just because we CAN build PCBExpress orders fast doesn't mean we ONLY build them fast. If you're able to wait a few extra days, we can save you even more on your job. Get the same product, service, quality and features, but with a longer lead time and a value price.
The OneQuote form will inform you which service level that you have configured, but if you design your files up front with these parameters in mind, you can maintain your design in PCBExpress.
Limited Review
(1 oz copper)
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