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More Than 35 Years of Experience Separates Sunstone Circuits from the Average PCB Prototype Provider

by User Not Found | Jun 23, 2010
Sunstone Circuits strives to embody all of the qualities that consumers seek, when shopping for their desired products. Making the customer the top-priority is not just protocol for Sunstone Circuits, it's their culture. They have innovated and delivered the support, products and services that their customers have asked for.
Sunstone's lengthy heritage makes for a unique position in the marketplace 

Mulino, Ore. – June 23rd, 2010 – In any business, it's the intangibles and the benefits of your chosen provider that truly defines your loyalty as a consumer. Brand identity is all a business has when separating themselves from the competition. Many businesses find themselves reaching to maintain an identity. Be it that they consolidate or simply restructure, projecting an identity has become seemingly harder than it once was in years past. As brands become more diluted, do they lose their ability to stand-out and separate themselves from the competition? What happens to the product? Most importantly, how does this affect the customer? Far too often when companies are forced to reconstruct their brand, the identity of the product itself seems to fall through the cracks.

As a consumer, you have to ask yourself: Why do I buy from this company? Is the product the same now, as it was before? It would appear so, but when you take a closer look… is it? The real question is; what made this product so great? Why did I continue to come back and purchase it? There are many ways one could answer these questions… but the reality is that there are multiple factors that make consumers become repeat customers.

Product quality, customer service, purchasing efficiency, knowledge and trust are just a few of the things that come to mind when trying to determine whether or not a brand deserves your loyalty.

Sunstone Circuits strives to embody all of the qualities that consumers seek, when shopping for their desired products. Making the customer the top-priority is not just protocol for Sunstone Circuits, it's their culture. They have innovated and delivered the support, products and services that their customers have asked for. They pioneered the online ordering of printed circuit boards and have been the leading PCB solutions provider in delivering quality engineering software along with quick and on-time PCBs for the electronic design industry, for more than 35 years.

Nancy Viter, Manufacturing Manager at Sunstone Circuits has been with the company for more than 19 years. "Our team of seasoned professionals is part of what separates us from the rest. Many of our 150 employees have been here for an average of nine years or more. We're like a family here; we work together as a team, to ensure that each and every board we produce is delivered to our customers, exactly how they ask for it, no exceptions!"

Sunstone holds a customer retention rate in excess of 90%, and they continue to do so by consistently delivering quality products into the hands of design engineers. Consistency is the key and that's what Sunstone Circuits provides; quick and on-time reliable products that are built on-site, so their customers know that they can depend on them, for the best possible results.

Rocky Catt, Vice President and COO – "When it comes to our operations, we have invested over $500,000 annually, for the past five years, and are planning on enhancing key processes before year's end. A better work environment for our employees, leads to better results for our customers. Bottom-line, whether good times or bad, investing in the quality and efficiency of our products is not only what our customers need, but what they deserve." Catt has been with Sunstone Circuits for more than 35 years.

Quality control continuously improves at Sunstone and their reputation for extreme customer service is always rising. With about 4,000 new customers per year and annual averages of double-digit year-over-year growth for the last five years, Sunstone proves that they truly ‘walk their talk.' They recognize that they are only as strong as their people and the products that they put out. With more than 35 years of success in the industry, Sunstone places that idea at the forefront of their business model and continues their quest of leading the industry in ‘extreme' customer service.

The philosophy is simple. Give the customers what they want, when they want it. Many company's claim to be able to provide ‘extreme' customer service, but Sunstone Circuits has proven that they truly deliver on that promise. With live on-site, 24hr, over-the-phone or email support every day of the year, 24/7/365, the ease and simplicity of their online quoting and ordering process and the 99.5% on-time or early delivery of their products… Sunstone Circuits proves to be a leader in the PCB industry. Simply put, Sunstone's philosophy is that their customers deserve this type of service and nothing less.

About Sunstone Circuits®
Sunstone Circuits® pioneered the online ordering of printed circuit boards (PCBs), and is the leading PCB solutions provider with more than 35 years of experience in delivering quality engineering software along with quick and on-time PCBs for the electronic design industry. Sunstone Circuits is dedicated to improving the PCB prototyping process from quote to delivery (Q2D®) and provides "live" customer support every day of the year (24/7/365). For more information about Sunstone's PCB solutions plus online quote and ordering process, please visit

Trademarks:  PCBexpress, ValueProto, PCB123, Q2D®, and Circuit Design ECOsystem(SM) are trademarked by Sunstone Circuits. 


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