About Sunstone Circuits®

Leading the PCB Industry

Sunstone Circuits® is the established leader in providing innovative and reliable printed circuit board (PCB) solutions for the electronic design industry. With 48 years of experience ­­­in delivering USA made high quality, on-time PCB prototypes, Sunstone Circuits is committed to improving the prototyping through production processes for the design engineer from quote to delivery. With Around the Clock support, Sunstone Circuits provides unparalleled customer service and leads the industry with a real On-Time Guarantee that is the first of its kind.  We're proud to manufacture high-quality products USA products, and provide a safe and prosperous workplace for our employees.

“For over 48 years, Sunstone Circuits has been committed to meeting the needs of our customers by providing the best and most efficient PCB design experience from quote to delivery.”

–Terry Heilman, CEO

It's our goal to be the easiest printed circuit board manufacturer to do business with. To achieve that goal, we can't just talk the talk, we have to walk the walk. Our record of success sets us apart from our competitors:

  • Customer support available round the clock
  • 99% + on-time delivery 
  • Guaranteed quality from quote to delivery
  • Award-winning free CAD design software, PCB123®
  • Pioneer of online ordering
  • Early adopter of Lead-Free / RoHS compliant finishes

You can sometimes save money by offshoring PCB production but consider costs — both direct and indirect — that may be minimizing or even eliminating those savings.

  • If you need the boards fast, expedited shipping can offset a lot of your potential cost savings.
  • Up-front payment terms impact cash flow and reduce leverage with the supplier.
  • When offshore PCBs fail to meet design specifications, the resources required to re-tool the boards or adapt the product to accommodate them masks the real cost of low yield.
  • Your intellectual property (IP) won’t protect itself when it travels abroad, and risk can be difficult to assess from long distance.
  • Time and effort spent coordinating and policing an overseas manufacturer on the other side of the international dateline can disrupt workflows and schedules.
  • Disruptions to routine can lead to miscommunications, misunderstandings, and expensive mistakes.

Problems with quality assurance (QA) occur frequently and are usually preceded by an absence of transparency. Collaboration with offshore manufacturers is inherently limited, and the loosely coupled relationships foster a “take what you get” paradigm. This leaves the product manager to hope PCBs are properly manufactured to design while offshore.

Learn more about our commitment to quality.

Want to learn more about how we've shaped the industry over the past 45 years? Explore our history.