EAGLE (Easily Applicable Graphical Layout Editor) has over 20 years of experience in satisfying PCB design engineers around the world. EAGLE is easy to learn, easy to buy, and easy to use.

  • Schematic Editor
  • Layout Editor
  • Library editor
  • Compatible with Windows(R) Linux(R), Macintosh(R)
  • Flexible User Language Programs (ULPs) enable users to create custom features.
  • Gerber file export, including Gerber 274X
  • Active customer forums

System Requirements


Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 and 8


Linux based on kernel 2.6 for Intel computers, X11 with a minimum color depth of 8 bpp, 32-bit runtime environment with the following libraries: libpng14.so.14, libssl.so.1.0.0, libcrypto.so.1.0.0, libjpeg.so.8


Mac OS X version 10.6 or above  for Intel computer

Uploading your EAGLE Files for Manufacture

Our native file upload service supports PCB design files from EAGLE versions 4.11, 4.16 and 5.4. Unfortunately, we cannot convert schematic files to layouts for you. Please note that during the file upload process it is important to specify which layer objects we should use for silkscreen and inner layers (mid-layers). If you do not specify which layers to use, we will use the following default settings for silkscreen per our CAM scripts or place your order on hold for clarification on inner layer object selection:

  • Top Silkscreen: L21 & L25 (tPlace & tNames)
  • Bottom Silkscreen: L22 & L26 (bPlace & bNames)

For extra convenience and peace of mind, we also provide the following CAD conversion service add-ons for EAGLE:

CAM Job: Download and install these files to add the official Sunstone CAM processor settings to your EAGLE installation.
Design Rules: Our DFM Add-Ons for EAGLE are EAGLE design for manufacturing rules (DRU) files written in accordance with Sunstone's manufacturing criteria for 2, 4, and 6 layer designs.