In order to insure that you receive PCBs that meet your needs and expectations the following is a list of the files that we need to process your order efficiently and correctly.
Please review your files in a Gerber viewer to insure that what you have submitted to be built is truly representative of your design files.
This checklist is a tool to help ensure that you have the correct Gerber PCB layout guidelines before submitting your order.
Gerber PCB File Submission:
Gerber Layer File Preparation:
Single SIded - 1 layer Boards: PLEASE PREVIEW ALL 1-Layer Files
Multilayer Boards:
Board Outline:
Drill Setup:
Slot / Cutouts:
Solder Mask
Silk Screen:
Native File Upload:
Sunstone will program the circuit board routing from the outline of the PCB. The outline must be continuous with overall board dimension calculated from the center of the outline.
Perimeter PCB Routing Details:
Our process will program the circuit board routing automatically by reading the path of your outline. The outline must be a continuous line. The board dimensions are determined from the center of the line used to draw the outline and will be routed to a +/- 0.010" tolerance. You should leave 0.020" space from the routed edge of the board to the nearest copper feature.
PCB Routing Restrictions:
If your needs go beyond our Limited Review Engineering Level capabilities, chose Engineering Level = Full Review (NRE) in the OneQuote form. Your files will undergo a design review by our Pre-engineering team looking for manufacturability and insure that the print notes, PO notes and other files included are read and followed. This will also allow Sunstone to make small edits to the files to improve manufacturability and NRE charges will apply.
Positive Polarity - When the elements drawn in the CAD file represent the copper / silk or soldermask features with the polygons (usually colored). i.e if the colored portion of the file layer represents the data portrayed it is considered positive polarity
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