PCB123 Release Notes

V5.8.6.0 Release Notes

  • SnapEDA UI Next button will sometimes present a message that parts can't be found when there are clearly multiple pages of parts. We have reported the issue to SnapEDA and have deployed a workaround for the issue.

V5.8.5.0 Release notes

  • Bug in copper pour during export. 
    • This bug (actually several bugs in the same library) was exposed by a very large, congested and complex circuit board designed by a cusotmer in 2016 (before the PCB123 slivers project). In 2016, the customer ordered Gerber files only for this project and PCB123 generated good files for it.  The slivers removal project was released as 5.7.0 in August of 2018, and it failed to generate good Gerber files for this same project.  An older pre-slivers project version 5.3.0 Gerber extractor was used to correctly generate Gerbers for the customer while I worked on fixing the bug in the current release.

      The bugs were deep within infrequently used geometry library code and were very difficult to isolate.  They were tripped by rare boundary conditions in the customer's circuit board data that few users would ever encounter.  New library code with a better algorithm was written to perform the tasks the flawed old code was being called on to do.  The new library code now creates good Gerber files for the problem project despite the customer's difficult data.

  • Issue Moving parts- At times moving a part will sometimes move unselected nearby vias and trace segments. This has been improved. Selecting a group of parts with a click and hold no longer moves nearby vias. This may still happen when selecting a single part. This has been reported to our developer.
  • Added code to prevent any unannounced changes in SnapEDA api from breaking the ability to search for parts in PCB123.

V5.8.1.0 Release Notes 

This release of PCB123 fixes the issues from

  • For the SnapEDA Part Selection tool, saving login credentials may result in a login loop, where the user may be requested over and over to enter their credentials.
  • If the user searches for parts using SnapEDA, and no results are returned, PCB123 will shutdown without warning.

V5.8.0.2 Release Notes (Removed due to unannounced api changes)

  • Upgraded the SnapEDA api and implemented its new features:

    New search UI

    Updated login process 

    Highlighted sponsored parts in search results

    The ability to request parts not found in the SnapEda library.

V5.7.12 Release Notes (Currently available)

  • Via annular ring minimum changed to 5 mils
  • Extend 1/2/3 ounce configurations in PCB123 to match onequote
  • Unassigned copper fills should skip sliver removal processing
  • Possible deletion of custom libraries when upgrading pcb123

    (customers inappropriately saving custom parts to sample Orion library): The ability to edit standard or Ultra libraries has been removed since the introduction of the parts taxonomy sometime in version 3.  Since then, the only place where users are allowed to write custom parts and symbols are to files in the Lib/Custom folder.

    My experience with PCB123 has been to modify parts from standard libraries and save them to a new file created by PCB123 in the Lib/Custom folder such as DavesParts.slb or DavesSymbols.sym.  Any part or symbol file that I create through PCb123 is saved under a name created by me in that folder and the PCB123 installer knows not to touch such files.  And it doesn't, ever.

    Except, since before the taxonomy was introduced a sample 123 project has been installed by PCB123 to a sibling folder of Lib called "SampleDesigns/Orion GPS", and the parts used by that 123 project were stored in a file called "OrionSampleDesign.slb" within the LIB.  Unfortunately the place where that library was placed has been the Lib/Custom folder since at least  The sample project and its libraries are routinely installed with each new release over any existing copies found of those files.  Thus, if instead of saving my custom parts to "DavesParts.slb" I elected to save them to "OrionSampleDesign.slb", then when I ran an install of a new release, the installer would delete the existing "OrionSampleDesign.slb" containing my custom parts and replace it with its copy of "OrionSampleDesign.slb" that doesn't have my stuff, and my custom parts would be gone.
  • add a popup to point out backup file if a crash is detected
  • Search function fails in the SnapEda dialogue box in PCB123.
  • Code to handle unannounced JSON data from SnapEDA
  • Update link to user guide to point to new online version
  • Saving Schematic Symbols: The load symbols dialog used by the schematic's symbol editor to edit existing PCB123 library symbols for saving to the user's custom libraries was modified to permit the importation of schematic symbols from open projects or any other existing PCB123 projects greater than 3.0.  The modification allows the selection of symbols by manual browsing within the dialog of chosen PCB123 projects.  Automatic searching for symbols by text strings is still restricted to PCB123 libraries.

    Other existing users of the load symbols dialog (e.g. parts select and manage parts dialogs) were not extended the same capability to import PCB123 project symbols.
  • Bom-digikey not working as intended: digikey ordering url has been updated
  • Search function falls in the SnapEda dialogue box in PCB123: SnapEDA added three new objects to their search results output which the PCB123 import code was programmed to notice and report:
  • PCB123 Install Shield Wizard: Installer PCB123 image has been updated.
  • Fanout work: I have a component in a 44pin QFN package. Pins 5 and 6 are connected to DGND. Have a 4 layer board. So I can come off of pin 5 a bit and the V via to DGND. All fine. And then I want to connect pin 6 to DGND as well, start from the center of 6 and go over and up to the via. When I connect up the trace the via disappears. The system still beleives it connected and fails to throw a DRC error. If I reload the board, the DRC shows Can send the file -- have a "frozen" copy waiting for you.

V5.7.6 Release Notes:

  • Double rotation of parts from layout initiated by a hot key press issue
  • Fixed the two hot keys that were not working issue
  • Thermal pads for pins and slots on inner plane layers are too big when spaced closely together issue

V5.7.5 Release Notes:

  1. This version, V5.7.5, of PCB123 contains code which fixes an issue introduced in v5.7.2. The issue that is exposed is some connections that exist in the net list are not showing rats nest lines in the PCB layout window. Version 5.7.5 will review your older designs upon opening and reconnect any missing ratsnest lines. This same process also occurs every time you run the DRC. Even though this issue was only reported by a few customers we recommend that all users upgrade to this latest version. Please contact our customer support team if you have any questions. 

V5.7.2 Release Notes:

  1. This release fixes an issue where fanout vias are removed when the drc is run.

V5.7.0 Release Notes: 

  1. This release of PCB123 contains code which will process areas of copper fill on circuit boards to ensure that clearances made within them for overlapping copper objects of different nets will not leave any copper having a width of less than or equal to five thousandths of an inch. Since the processing that performs this task is computationally intense, it is only performed on demand when design rule checks (DRC's) are run and viewed in the new read only "True Copper Pours View" tab. Since DRC's are automatically run before the circuit board order is placed with Sunstone.com, this view of the board is what will be generated to Gerber files and fabricated.

    The regular layout view of the program is unchanged and presents the circuit board as always, but without the more detailed anti-sliver copper clearance processing that appears in the "True Copper Pours View". The layout view is a very close approximation of the "True Copper Pours View" when observing areas of copper fill (the only difference), but because it rigorously removes thin strips of copper within the copper fill areas, it can close some paths of electrical conductivity within the copper fills that appear in the layout view to be slightly open. Because of this, the DRC's for unconnected nets were programmed to detect and report all such losses in net connectivity so that they can be addressed by the user before the board is ordered.

    This automatic copper sliver removal processing within PCB123 allows the user to perform the same work done by Sunstone CAM tooling engineers to prepare circuit board projects for fabrication in the factory. However, unlike when the processing is done by Sunstone engineers at the factory, with the integration of this processing into PCB123, the user can correct net connectivity issues before the order and present a board to Sunstone that is engineered without copper slivers. This allows experienced users to select an "Engineering Level" of Limited Review for their project, which enjoys a lower price than one similarly engineered at the factory.

V5.6.2 Release Notes: 

  1. This version of PCB123 has the ability to import footprints, symbols and parts from Eagle parts libraries.

V5.6.1 Release Notes:

  1. Added two SnapEDA features.
  2. Several minor enhancements and bug fixes.

V5.6.0 Release Notes:

  1. This version has the capability to download and import footprints, symbols and parts from SnapEDA.com..

V5.5.3 Release Notes:

  1. This version includes a fix for missing thermal spoke connections when the      thermal's net has an unusually large default trace width.

V5.2.0 Release Notes:

  1. Rendering complex polygons has been rewritten to be much faster. Previously PCB123 would render complex polygons very slowly when a large amount of detail is displayed on the screen. This version makes rendering polygons much faster.
  2. Improve PCB123’s handling of pins, traces, copper polylines and copper text that straddles two filled copper pours of different nets having differing spacing requirements. Additionally, it attempts to handle an error condition in the same manner as previous versions (overlapping filled copper polygons assigned to different nets for which PCB123 issues a “Severe Violation” DRC).  This work will be visible in the Gerber files, in “Print Artwork” from the PCB123 File menu, in the main layout view and when sending the layout view to the printer.

V5.1.3 Release Notes:

  1. Fixed Missing thermal spokes for through hole pins on inner routing layers.

V5.1.2 Release Notes:

  1. Performance of the schematic while routing wires is restored to previous versions.
  2. Oversized via clearances in the layout at some zoom factors are fixed.
  3. Netlist import error where the program complains, “Part <reference> not found in the taxonomy”, because of lower case characters used in the part name is fixed.

V5.1.1 Release Notes:

  1. Fixed problem with changing reference designator from schematic symbol’s properties. Editing the reference designator will now update the part correctly and reflect in the BOM and layout.
  2. Editing an arc in the layout will now show a preview of the arc as you change its radius.
  3. Resolved issue with false DRCs reported on round boards with circular cutouts.
  4. Fixed cut and paste using right click menu and keyboard shortcuts in the footprint editor.
  5. Fixed selecting text in the schematic editor usually leaves a pink bar on the right side of the text. Fixed for regular editing. Text will still leave an artifact of the drag box outline when zooming while dragging. The solution there will be to do text dragging in the schematic like it is done in the layout and then dump the drag box.
  6. Fixed oversized clearances in gerber output for unconnected vias on inner plane layers.

V5.1 Release Notes:

  1. If you right click on a schematic page and select properties you can now edit the title block properties and the title block with update.
  2. Crash when using Merge Closed Polygons has been fixed. The merge polygon code will only merge two or more classical polygons (not unclosed polylines, self-intersecting polygons, arcs, etc.).  It is not intended to be used on other shapes.
  3. Large projects having lots of areas of copper fill now refresh 5-10 times faster than before.
  4. Orders can now be place with Expedite and Electrical test.
  5. Text on pcb stack-up updated for top and bottom copper layers. The text 1 oz copper foil has been changed to 1 oz finished copper.
  6. The ability to show/hide the Edit Panel has been added to the context menu that appears when right clicking the frame and it has been added a hot key assignment (SHIFT-E)
  7. Tabs at the bottom of the Edit Panel are no longer partially hidden.
  8. Fixed Edit Panel goes gray and inactive after editing a footprint.
  9. Notes pertaining to reported issue” mm rounding in grid results in incorrect grid point values”
  10. This behavior is by  design. The program defines a drawing space in integer units, with all points in the drawing space ( the world ) able to be represented in a 32 bit integer;  all internal calculations are done in measurement system neutral integers, called a UNIT;  the world defines an inch as being equal to 10,000,000 UNITS, so all real numbers up to a millionth of an inch can be exactly represented by UNITS, and since the world defined to that size spans 32 bits, the world can be +/-2147483647 UNITS, or roughly almost 36 square feet; By definition, UNITS convert directly into inches or mils, so "0.0002in" can be represented exactly in the drawing world and a drawing GRID defined in "0.0002in" increments will have all grid lines on exact "0.0002in" bounds; however, since meters don't exactly convert into inches, the number "0.0002mm" is approximated in the system ( the closest number of UNITS to "0.0002mm" is 79 UNITS (( 79 UNITS / 10000000 IN/UNIT ) * 25.4 MM/IN = 0.00020066mm ));  hence a grid that is set to "0.0002mm" increments will have grid lines only approximately on "0.0002mm" boundaries ( there will instead be a grid line every "0.00020066mm", so a grid defined on "0.0002mm" boundaries will eventually show a grid line on an odd number of millimeters, which may be confusing to the user )
  11. Fixed selecting text in the schematic edit leaves a pink bar on the right side of the text.
  12. Edit panel has been updated to include a new tab on both the schematic and layout. The new tab is labeled Parts. This tab allows you to select parts from the library from both the layout and schematic.
  13. Other edits to the edit panel include a preview for both the symbol and footprint on the Parts tab. On the schematic side the Page Properties information has been moved from the Parts tab to the Display tab for easier access.
  14. Several display options have been exposed on Edit Panel Display tab for both the layout and schematic. Option such as Hollow Copper, Textured Copper, and Positive Soldermask were previously only accessible from the User’s Preferences.
  15. A new Pan option has been added. Hold down the right mouse button and move the mouse to pan on layout and schematic.
  16. The Key Assignments dialogue has been updated with the latest keyboard shortcuts. You can find Key Assignment by selecting Help > Key Assignments or keyboard shortcut k.
  17.  Fixed gerber output issue: Oval slot thermals on copper pours on inner routing layers.
  18. Fixed DRC reporting with respect to board outline and cutouts.

v5.0.3 Release Notes:

  1. The software now allows a reference designator that includes a period so that U1 and U1. are unique reference designators.
  2.  Assigning pins to a net will no longer change the pads size.
  3. Relaxed the rigor with which the auto router code creates fanout vias for different pin patterns to footprints and added logic to discover pin patterns in a new way.
  4. Fixed crash when importing DXF files. DXF import/export allows users to import and export dxf drawings that include simple board outlines (arcs are not supported) and holes.
  5. Improved DXF import to allow it to recognize and import more non-plated holes.
  6. Increase drill to plane clearance from 10 mils to 12.5 mils for unused pads on inner layer planes.
  7. V5 User's guide included with build.
  8. Added rename part functionality to the context menus of the layout, BOM and schematic. Also added it to the properties dialog of the schematic's _PARTNUMMFG field. Within the layout, the "Part Type" field of the Edit Components Edit Properties dialog page (and of the Edit Components popup pane in the Edit Panel) was renamed to "Part Name" and typing a new name into that control causes the same behavior as does the "Browse..." button beside the "Package Name" control (i.e. rather than renaming the part, it will cause a part substitution of the selected part with another part).
  9. The netlist import and the global alias file now use both the netlist parttype and the netlist package as the lookup key for PCB123 part associations.
  10. The netlist import now recognizes spaces in parttypes.
  11. Removed unused schematic menu options.
  12. Fixed: DXF export creates dxf files in metric units. AutoCAD has only two systems of measurement, english and metric, while PCB123 has four, INCH, MILS, MM, CM. PCB1123 was failing to set the AutoCAD units to english when MILS was selected in PCB123. If exporting to DXF it is best to set units to either inches or mm.
  13. Export netlist no longer shows open dialog to save a netlist.
  14. Corrected icopy and paste issues experienced when copying objects that include the board outline.
  15. Symbol editor now shows same units set throughout the program.
  16. Fixed: Using the nothing selectable tool bar button in footprint editor still allows user to select pins.
  17. Fixed: Schematic does not load last edited version of a symbol. When the taxonomy tree is clicked on a part that is already in the schematic, the program now checks the libraries before placing the part and if the library symbol is different from that existing in the schematic, the user has the opportunity to place the library part or the schematic part. Should the library part be placed, the existing schematic part is renamed slightly to maintain referential integrity within the schematic.

V5.0.2 release notes: 

  1. Rotated pad and clearance creating spacing violations has been corrected. Rotated objects contained within a component that was mirrored would result in a clearance that was rotated opposite the pad.
  2. Vestigial data of a previous slot assignment showing up in the drill drawing has been corrected.
  3. New parts go in this folder context menu option in Manage Parts has been implemented. New Parts go in this folder allows you to select a folder to store newly created parts. Left click on a folder to select it then right click and select New Parts go in this folder. Selecting the Create Part button will automatically store new parts in the selected folder.
  4. Warning message will no longer appear for annular ring requirements on a surface mount pads when editing pins using the pin properties window.
  5. Using the find keyboard shortcut 'f' on schematic will now locate parts by reference designator.
  6. Entering incorrect pin or pad values when using the Edit Panel Pin Properties widow would result in an error message that would keep popping up and would not allow the user to enter correct values. This issue has been corrected.

V5.0.1 release notes:

  1. Using the add pin now includes a property to change a round hole to a plated or non-plated slot.
  2. A cutout tool has been added allowing cutouts with a maximum of 4 vertices and round cutouts.
  3. The predefined list of available finished hole sizes has been updated to allow the user to enter a specific holes size.
  4. Switching the selection in the units field located in the Edit Panel or User Preferences will now update the board dimensions shown in the mechanical drawing and drill drawing layer.
  5. Unused pads on inner layers are now removed in gerber output.
  6. Silk screen no longer appears to be covering pads when viewing the silkscreen layer.
  7. Bug that prevented solder mask editing after using Ctrl + Alt + L to add additional layers to a layout that did not already have solder mask enabled has been fixed.
  8. Arudino template has been corrected to move components closer to the board edge.
  9. Keyboard shortcuts for accept (left click mouse button) have been enable for both the space bar and Enter.
  10. Ctrl + F behavior has been changed. Selecting Ctrl + F will now select the part and bring it to your cursor position.
  11. Autorouter will avoid non-plated holes, slots, and cutouts.
  12. Pressing the F keyboard shortcut to locate a part will now highlight the part.

V4.1.25 release notes

  1. A new "Netlist" submenu has been added to the main menus of both the layout and schematic views. The submenu provides two choices, "Compare/Update Design" and "Manage Stored Part Associations...". Both allow access to the parts taxonomy and to the individual footprint libraries and complete control over the parts selected for the import.
  2. 0603 footprint deleted from standard.slb library.
  3. Added ability to support up to 16 layers by selecting Ctrl + Alt + L from PCB123 layout.
  4. Fixed schematic symbols changing to block symbols during save backup file operation from board configuration.
  5. Fixed blank bom and schematic after importing netlist.
  6. Fixed connections on schematic not showing up on layout.
  7. Fixed inoperative print button on netlist import changes dialog.
  8. Changed the default search location for netlist import to “My Documents”.
  9. Fixed printing schematic page cutting off top and right borders.
  10. Fixed gerber output issue that created a diagonal clearance in filled copper areas.
  11. Fixed importing a netlist results in duplicated parts in the bom.
  12. Fixed netlist import so that default search is done using Package not Part Type.
  13. Fixed the rendering problem where drill holes went away switching to soldermask layers.
  14. Fixed crash when viewing part properties from the Select Part window.
  15. Fixed imported netlist changes that do not update schematic.
  16. Fixed schematic printing issue that would print text on schematic with _TEXTSIZE property set to ‘0’.
  17. Fixed crash on mouse over PCB123 menu option.
  18. Control-F in the layout now centers the full screen cursor on the sought after object at the current resolution of the layout. With the cursor hovering over the object, the object's tooltip appears highlighting the successful search. Additionally, the found object will be highlighted (as all objects are when the cursor hovers above them).

V4.1.20.0 release notes:

  1. Enabled ability to edit x,y position for grouped layout pins - modified the validations of the edit pin properties page to enable changing the x-coordinate if none of the selected pins already share y-coordinates or changing the y-coordinate if none of the selected pins already share x-coordinates, but to not enable changing both coordinates unless only one pin is selected. The code is not otherwise checking for overlapping pins (i.e. two pins that touch copper but which do not have the same x and y-coordinates).
  2. Added ability to print 3D view.
  3. Pins added with using the add pin tool now have the thermal property checked by default.
  4. WYSIWYG showing connections on layout view that would not show up on finished boards has been fixed.
  5. Schematic intersection points can be moved by dragging a box around the intersection point to select the net then left click and hold to move to point.
  6. The hole size tolerance for PCB123 14 mil holes has been corrected to show +0/-.014”. The reason for the +0 is the hole is drilled with a 13.5 mil drill so it will never be larger than 14 and -.014” is because the hole, if plated, may be plugged with solder.
  7. Multi-section symbol properties can now be made visible without an error message.
  8. Non-plated holes will now report the correct size in the drill drawing.
  9. The master taxonomy file has been update. This corrects any parts that are found in the wrong categories.
  10. Switching between schematic pages after a copy and paste operation will no longer undo the last paste operation.
  11. Several changes and fixes added to the schematic print function. Right border is now displayed when printed and fit to page is centered when printing in landscape mode.
  12. The print icon is the Statistics Report now works.
  13. The silkscreen over copper DRC warning has been disabled.
  14. The DRC Summary popup that is displayed after running a DRC check is now resizable.
  15. If 2.5 oz Cu is selected the default trace/space is set to .013”. If you then switch to 1 oz Cu the trace and space settings for 2.5 oz Cu will remain.
  16. Renaming a net on the layout will not remove existing schematic wires. A global port labeled with the new net name will be attached to the schematic wire.

v4.1.19 Release Notes:

  1. Using the replace port with wire functionality no longer affects layout routed traces.
  2. User's preference rotation increment now displays fractions properly.
  3. Deleting a part with only ground connections no longer removes all traces on the ground net.
  4. Schematic page title block information now updates automatically with same label as schematic page tab name.
  5. Edit panel label under Layer Display now shows full names.
  6. Using the opposite command will show silkscreen text layer property on the on same layer as footprint.
  7. F1 in Symbol Editor now brings up the User's Guide.
  8. Loading a symbol using the Add existing button no longer removes hidden power pins from the symbol.
  9. You can no only change the label attached to a port without also changing the net assigned to the port.
  10. PCB123 now allows a 6 mil trace on a 1 oz Cu board.
  11. Drill drawing symbols will now display properly if you change a tools size while viewing the drill drawing.
  12. A pin property is now included to toggle if a pin connects to a filled polygon or plane directly or with a thermal relief. Also included a pin property to control if a pin is tented(covered by solder mask) or exposed through the mask.
  13. A DRC message is provided as a warning if a plane layer is left unassigned or assigned to multiple nets.
  14. You can no longer assign a net to an non-plated hole.
  15. Unassigned copper is no longer scratched. As in 2.0, it contacts everything (including non-plated holes). A DRC error is emitted for every non-plated hole that is within 20 mils of an unassigned copper pour.
  16. Routing from a routed track of one net to either another net's via between trace segments that span layers or to a board pin or to a fan out pin of a surface mount pad of another net will cause the user to be asked to merge nets. (Make sure when you drop the end point that it is exactly within the destination via).
  17. Import/export XML should now handle files without crashing and will now save routed traces.
  18. Hide splash screen check box removed.
  19. Changes to schematic properties no longer print differently than they appear on screen. If properties are enabled for display on the screen, they are all placed at the schematic symbol's origin for placement by the user within the schematic. 

v4.1.16 Release Notes:

  1. Fixes for the problems of schematic pins becoming out-of-sync with layout pins when components use hidden pins.

v4.1.15 Release Notes:

  1. 25,000 new parts added to taxonomy
  2. Taxonomy is now sorted.
  3. Improved rendering of copper pour scratch to show changes to scratch width as it happens.
  4. Closed a hole that allowed saving symbol/footprint edits to standard libraries rather than custom ones.
  5. Made DRC summary dialog resizable.
  6. Program now filters out duplicate unconnected net errors.
  7. Fixed problem saving a design as a template when the design contains filled copper polygons assigned to a net that generated a crash.
  8. Enabled the assignment of nets to unfilled polygons, arcs and circles.
  9. Added libraries edited by Sal for CAD-4211 and CAD-4032
  10. Added more guidance to board configuration dialog and new board wizard to highlight consequences of changes that affect multiple board properties. 

v4.1.14 Release Notes:

  1. Added ability to drag and drop individual wires in the schematic.
  2. Fixed for customers using Windows 7 unable to order through PCB123 order wizard.
  3. Fix for the timeout that the PCB123 order wizard encounters waiting for a response from the remote server following the upload of a large project to Sunstone.

v4.1.13 Release Notes:

  1. Improved the behavior of drag and drop with respect to the movement of multiple area selections of schematic objects.
  2. Fixed a problem with filled copper polygons that generated numerous false DRC errors.
  3. Repairs some schematics that have become off the wire router grid.
  4. Repairs some schematics which have poorly formed wires.
  5. Improved the behavior of drag and drop with respect to the movement of individual schematic parts and ports.
  6. Validation added to schematic properties dialog to prevent duplicate reference designators.
  7. Fixed graphical artifacts in layout caused by dragging footprints with unrouted connections.
  8. Reload part from library no longer replaces all connected schematic wires with port symbols.
  9. IPC356 improvements added to Gerber123.