Engineering Level

Sunstone offers two options to allow you to specify how your designs are to be built. These Engineering Level choices "Limited Review" and "Full Review - (NRE)" give you the flexibility to communicate how Sunstone should handle your particular design. 

Limited Review:  This Engineering level is perfect for the order that does not require additional up front engineering. This might be a design that is a proof of concept, fit test board, prototype, a well reviewed design or simply a design that has had a DFMplus pre order review conducted. The benefits of this service are:

  • Most economical pricing available
  • Orders will not be put on hold by our tooling department (see below for exceptions) 
  • Parts built to IPC-A-600 class 2 (when permitted by design)
  • Many PCB options available (mask color, copper weights, surface finishes etc.)

Orders placed with the Limited Review option will be processed through tooling without making any edits to the files and with limited upfront scrutiny we will only check for the following (findings would result in the order being put on hold for clarification):

  • Verify that the number of solder mask and copper layers submitted is what you ordered.
  • Your files contain a continuous outline and a Drill file
  • Board size matches order form

This level of engineering does not include:

  • Review of PRINT NOTES or READ ME files
  • Other order form selections (cutouts, etc.). If it is not ordered it will not be a part of the PCB
  • Verification of included netlist (for electrical test we create netlist from your Gerber files)
  • All other Design adjustments not mentioned below

We check the design for:

  • Potential missing holes or holes out of place (i.e. drill cutting traces)
  • Undersized inner layer clearances (possible shorting)
  • Hole to hole spacing is <0.010"
  • Outline notches/key slots <0.031" width
  • Cutouts closer than 0.020" to board edge or other cutouts

We may make adjustments to insure manufacturability for (when possible):

  • Pad diameter to  accommodate actual drill size for vias (0.010" over drill)
  • Increase cross hatching <0.003" on copper layers
  • Remove copper pads on NPT holes if ordered
  • Silkscreen line widths <0.003"

Please ensure that all of the files specified on your order are contained in your uploaded files (proper number of copper layers, silk layers and soldermask layers). 

Full Review (NRE): This engineering level provides additional checks of your files and print notes to ensure that the design is manufacturable, compare the order form to the prints, allow for tooling edits for manufacturability and functionality.  Perfect for orders that require higher levels of rigor (production quantities, panelization, higher layer counts etc.), peace of mind for the designer, or more complex designs.  An NRE charge is applied to all new orders (does not apply to reorders).  Benefits of selecting the Engineering Review (NRE) :

  • Design review of your order to ensure manufacturability and provide tooling edits as required.
  • Communication with Sunstone tooler's to rectify any concerns that may arise in review of files. 
  • Designs built with all of the print / electronic notes contained in the files. 
  • Many PCB and inspection options available.