Lead-Free and RoHS Compliant
PCB Order Process

When placing a lead-free order, simply choose the "Silver (RoHS)" or "ENIG (RoHS)" option for surface finish. Also, please review the information below before ordering your lead-free material boards.

More information on RoHS-compliant boards and the RoHS Directive can be found online.

Lead-Free PCB Material

We use High Tg, High Td, and Low CTE laminate which complies with all RoHS requirements and can withstand several heat cycles. Review our Final Finish Comparison Matrix for more details on ROHS-compliant boards and lead-free PCB materials.

Advisement to Customers

For immersion processes such as silver, ENIG, tin and OSP, it is recommended by the manufactures of those products that via holes be cleared of soldermask to assure proper coverage and good rinsing. Not everyone adheres to this process, but we strongly recommend it.