Other PCB Finishes

Other finishes available are: 

  • Full body gold,
    • RoHS compatible  
    • All of the exposed pads and holes will be plated with electrolytic nickel and gold.  The thickness of the gold will allow for solderability of the pads. Gold purity 99.7 -99.9% with a knoop hardness of 120-300. 
  • Soft bondable gold,
    • RoHS compatible  
    • Similar to full body gold, except the gold coating will be 99.999% pure with a knoop hardness range of 60-85. This gold type is suitable for wire bonding or soldering. 
    • Meets Type 3 Code A requirements
  • OSP (Organic Surface Protection)
    • RoHS compatible finish. 
    • Organic coating of all of the exposed copper surfaces. Provides a durable film that maintains planarity and solderability. 
  • ENEPIG (Electroless Nickel Electroless Palladium Immersion Gold)
    • RoHS compatible  
    • Often referred to as the "Universal Surface Finish" due to its versatility for solderability and wire bondability. 
    • Sequential deposition of Electroless Nickel (100-150u") followed by Electroless Palladium (4-8u") and finally Immersion Gold (1-2u").  For wire bonding applications the Palladium thickness can be increased to 8-15u" to provide a robust wire bondable surface. 
  • Immersion Tin
    • RoHS compatible
    • Immersion deposit applied directly to the copper surface. Thickness of deposit is 40u" minimum. 
  • Lead Free Solder
    • RoHS compatible
    • Similar to HASL finish without the lead.